Welcome to iBB
iBB is down for maintenance
Please come back later.

A new business banking experience
We have been working hard to develop a new and improved iBB
We here at iBB have been creating a new experience for our users and we will be releasing new features as we continue building a robust and secure platform for you.
We appreciate your patience during these changes and we hope that you like what we have developed.

Phone Scam Warning
AIB have been notified of a Phone Scam currently targeting our customers. Reports received to the Bank indicate that:
- Fraudsters purporting to be from AIB have been targeting customers asking them to make test payments from their account.
- Callers claim that they are calling on behalf of AIB and can fake the caller identification to make it look as if the call is from a legitimate source.
AIB reminds customers to be vigilant and aware of such calls - they are not genuine. AIB never requests you to make payments from your account to any account. AIB never requests you to provide your security details. If you suspect that a call may be fraudulent, or are unsure about the source of a call please hang up and call AIB.
Tel: +353 (0)1 6600311
Registered in Ireland: Registered No. 24173
Allied Irish Banks, p.l.c. is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland
Copyright Allied Irish Banks, p.l.c. 1995